Webinar 1: Understanding What You Hear: Interpreting Vocal Sound Functionally
Thursday, Nov. 7, 6:30-9:30 pm EDT
Your ears are your greatest tool. What do you hear and what does it mean? Learn to listen for function.
Webinar 2: Balancing the Voice As A First Step: Determining Optimal Vocal Function
Thursday, Nov. 14, 6:30-8:30 pm EDT
Functional Vocal Training begins with evaluation of the singer as they are. Determining a path to development commences with evaluating the functional responses to pitch, vowel and volume.
We are skipping Thursday, Nov. 28 because it is Thanksgiving in the United States.
Webinar 3: Breathing and Posture: Partners in Coordination
Thursday, Nov. 21, 6:30-8:30 pm EDT
Much is made of breathing for singing but breathing is deeply connected to posture and physical coordination. Aligned posture makes it possible to optimize breathing response.
Webinar 4: Strength and Stamina: Developing The Ability to Sing for a Long Time at a Loud Volume
Thursday, Dec. 5, 6:30-8:30 pm EDT
First strength, then stamina to stay strong. Functional vocal training must address developing the capacity to sustain maximum output healthfully.
Price for all 4 sessions is $240US. Somatic Voicework™ graduates $200US.