Did you hear the big news? Jeanie LoVetri, the founder of Somatic Voicework™, is thrilled to announce a completely FREE webinar series that kicks off Monday, April 15th from 6-8 EDT!
Please share this post with fellow voice teachers, singers, choral directors, speech pathologists, music directors, your students, and anyone you know who may be interested in exploring Somatic Voicework™.
To Register, Click Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/
For more details about Somatic Voicework™, Click Here: https://bwcommunityarts.bw.
Each week will feature a traditional academic-style lecture, followed by a practical exploration of the work with Jeanie LoVetri demonstrating with students.
Here are the details about the Somatic Voicework™ April FREE Webinar Series:
Week I: An Introduction to Somatic Voicework™
Monday, April 15th, 6-8 PM EDT
A traditional academic-style lecture will explore the underpinnings, foundations of pedagogy and guiding principles of Somatic Voicework™. This will be followed by a practical exploration of Somatic Voicework™ with two singers.
Week II: Belting – The Science & Art
Monday, April 22nd, 6-8 PM EDT
So many ways to belt! So many ideas and opinions! Which ones are healthy? Which allows you to sing in other styles? How many ways can someone belt or sing a belt/mix? How has belting changed over the years? Come find out!
Week III: Vocal Exercises Explained
Monday, April 29th, 6-8 PM EDT
Jeanie LoVetri breaks down the scientific underpinnings of vocal exercises. Why do they work? How do they work?
To register, click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/