Jeannette LoVetri

Choosing Words Carefully
In most spiritual traditions the “masters” are of few words, carefully chosen. They understand the power of words, as spoken sound, to influence. Strongly spoken...

Being Sold A Bill Of Goods
We all know that it’s very easy to sell something to someone who has no information than to have success with someone who is knowledgable....

Against Manipulation In The Throat
Years ago the late Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop, came out clearly as being “against animal testing.” At the time, that was a...

Your Point Of View
Perception is all we have. Points of view, based on what we are exposed to, what we conclude from that exposure and how we regard...

I Know What I Like
Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t know much about wine, but I know what I like.” That can be said about many things....

Questions, Important Questions
Why do so many people teach manipulation as a way to learn to control the voice? How is it that people do not even know...

Mugging The Mentors
My dear friend and colleague, Eve Zanni, coined this phrase, “mugging the mentors.” When I heard it, I laughed out loud. There are so many...

Too Much Independence
In singing, too much independence can be dangerous. In Europe and in South America (and in Asia, from what I have read although I haven’t...