Jeannette LoVetri
Fach Change
In classical singing sometimes an artist changes “fach”. This word refers to the general category that artist in is in relationship to roles in opera...
"Just Mozart"
Suppose I said to you, “This song is not hard to sing, after all, it’s just Mozart”. Or maybe I said to you, “I don’t...
Being “sensitive” can be a compliment or a condemnation. Being told, “You are sensitive”, could mean that you are seen by someone else as being...
Two Tiny Pieces of Gristle
Your vocal folds are two tiny pieces of gristle – ligaments – that open and close over your trachea to protect your lungs from foreign...
When Actions Speak Louder Than Words
If someone says “I really like you” and then is always too busy to spend time with you, you had better question what that person...
Judging, Adjudicating, and Evaluating
Competitions require judges. We have them now on TV every night. Who gets to be a judge and why? Who is judging the judges? If...
Judy Garland
All of us who are of a certain age have seen “The Wizard of Oz” many times. The shot of Judy Garland standing outside her...
Between A Rock and A Hard Place
For decades, I have advocated that we can sing in a number of vocal qualities without issue. I have stated and written about the ability...