Jeannette LoVetri
What’s Best For The Profession
Ever wonder what would be best for the profession of teaching singing and for professional or professional-level amateur singers? I do all the time. What...
All Singing Teachers Are The Same
Did you know that all singing teachers are the same? To our fellow professions, that’s how we appear. Think about it. Until you know an...
The Voice Police
Are there any Voice Police? I wish there were. They would write tickets for singing violations and make sure that all the singers are obeying...
Study The Successful
I would like to ask, again, for a large-scale, in-the-field study of professionally successful, vocally healthy singers that would examine their vocal patterns and parameters....
A Plea About Terminology
If I could make “the rules” I would pass one that said: NO MORE NEW TERMINOLOGY ALLOWED! The need to name things run deeply in...
The Confusion About Classical Singing
On my travels, I frequently hear “I am classically trained” when I talk to singers or teachers of singing. This is said with some level...
The Confusion About Belting
Why there is so much confusion about belting? Why is everyone so confused? There are quite a few “research oriented” teachers who either teach belting...
Any Fool Can Start Over
What does it take to produce an old work well? Is it like being the person who restores great art? The person who scrapes off...
We are entitled to some very basic things. Here in the USA we are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Even these...