Jeannette LoVetri
The Purpose of Training
You can’t sing fully if your voice isn’t strong. Yelling is not a good way to develop true vocal strength. Loudness alone is not a...
The Basics of Somatic Voicework™ The Lo Vetri Method
The basic principles of vocal function in The LoVetri Method, Somatic Voicework™ are very simple. They are: isolation, development and combination of chest and head...
What is "Classical" Singing?
I talk a lot about “classical” vocal training. Singing teachers generally talk about classical vocal training, with the implied understanding that this is “one thing”,...
Different For Different’s Sake
I am not a big fan of being different because you can. I always want reasons and I want them to make sense. Consequently, it...
An Applied Degree
In college, you can get a degree in music education or music performance. If the degree is in performance, it is an “applied” degree. This...
Professional versus Academic
If you are a pro, on Broadway, doing a lead in a Broadway show, and if you have also done other shows as a lead,...
Equals Who Really Aren’t
Did you know that at the voice conferences there is a pecking order? The MDs are at the top, the voice scientists are right there...
"Operatic" Voices
The jury is out about whether or not it is so that only “big, impressive” voices can have successful careers in opera in the USA....
Behind the Times
Has there always been a lag between education and the real world? Has it always been so that higher education in particular is insulated from...