Jeannette LoVetri
Why Resonance Is Not An End In Itself in CCM
Every sound a human being makes has some kind of resonance or it would be inaudible. Classical singing REQUIRES that a singer learn to stay...
You cannot separate the mind, the body and the voice. The idea that they are separate is false. There is no voice without a mind...
It’s Never Too Late
There are many studies that prove muscles respond to exercise no matter how old one is. People in nursing homes can get stronger by doing...
Working With or Against Your Own Default
It is very hard to incorporate your own default into teaching singing. What is your default? If you have sung all your life with one...
You Can Never Arrive
Being a professional singer is not a destination. It is an open-ended journey that will go on until you choose to take a new pathway....
Lots of people now know and understand what goes on in the throat and body when we sing. Lots of folks have read the scientific...
Muscles are supposed to stretch and contract. That is how they function when they are healthy and by doing so, they maintain good muscle tone...
If the training process is done well, the muscles in the throat and body are coaxed (and that is the operating word, coaxed) into new...
Deep Muscle Release
To those not familiar with bodywork, the concept of deep muscle release will be a foreign one. The concept that the body “holds” or remembers...