We are so excited to announce a completely FREE webinar series running each Monday in June from 6:00-8:00 PM EDT. 

Please share the details of this webinar series with singers, voice teachers, choral directors, your students, and anyone you know who may be interested in exploring Somatic Voicework™.
Week I: An Introduction to Somatic Voicework™
Presented by Jeanie LoVetri
Monday, June 7th
6:00-8:00 PM EDT
Week II (Double Header):
You Are The Instrument: An Introduction to Alexander Technique
Presented by Pyeng Threadgill
A Tour of Your Larynx: The Vocal System, Vocal Health, & The Science of SOVT Exercises
Presented by Jan Potter Reed
Monday, June 14th
6:00-8:00 PM EDT
Week III: An Introduction to Soul Ingredients®
Presented by Dr. Trineice Robinson-Martin
Monday, June 21st
6:00-8:00 PM EDT
Week IV: Belting: An Overview of the Science, Pedagogy, & Artistry
Presented by Jeanie LoVetri
Monday, June 28th
6:00-8:00 PM EDT